• @Kyle Goodridge

    Thanks for posting. The UnlimitedHand runs at a maximum of 16MHz.

    UnlimitedHand team

  • H2L replied to the topic in the forum H2L 8 years ago


    From the data that you have provided:

    I am assuming that there might be hardware issues with photoreflector no.3

    Are you residing in Japan?
    Perhaps you can send us your device so we can perform a hardware check for you.

    UnlimitedHand team

  • H2L replied to the topic in the forum H2L 8 years ago


    Thanks for the information.
    From the data that you provided, it shows that the device is in fact outputting values into Unity, so the following setup should work.

    A1) “Serial_Unity_Quaternion” in UH4Arduino0041.zip
    U1) UH.cs: ver 0040(preset in UHDemo_GrapQuaternion40

    However the 0 value of PR[3] does look odd. In section 1.0…[Read more]

  • H2L replied to the topic in the forum H2L 8 years ago


    U1+A1 works fine on our environment.
    U1+A2 is not always outputting muscle motion sensor values, we will fix it up.

    Could I suggest that you try the following steps:

    1. Compile “Serial_Unity_Quaternion” version UH4Arduino0041
    2. Open up the serial monitor
    3. input the character ‘c’

    Please tell me if you see the values and if…[Read more]

  • H2L replied to the topic in the forum H2L 8 years ago


    We have updated the Graph Demo, please download the project and try once more.

    Arduino v.0044
    Unity Plugin: Use the default plugin included inside the Project.

    Please let me know if it works for you.

    UnlimitedHand team.

  • H2L replied to the topic in the forum H2L 8 years ago


    I will investigate the problem with the Graph Project and get back to you as soon as possible.

    UnlimitedHand team

  • @EQ_Tatsuguchi,

    Thanks for the inquiry.
    We made changes to the way the angles are obtained in previous versions of the UH unity plugin. Arduino library v.0044 should work fine. Would you let me know which version of the UH unity plugin you are using?

    UnlimitedHand team

  • H2L replied to the topic in the forum H2L 8 years ago


    Thanks for the inquiry.
    I understand that you are not getting readings for your muscle motion sensors.

    UH v0044 is the latest update. It is tested to be working fine.
    May I know which version of the UH Unity Plugin are you using?

    UnlimitedHand team

  • @Kyle Goodridge

    Thanks for the inquiry, and sorry to have keep you waiting.
    We will ship you the missing velcro strap early next week.

    UnlimitedHand team

  • @davideperrotta thank you for the inquiry.

    The Processing library would require an update before being able to cater to your needs in the robotic arm project. We will begin working on it and notify you once it is ready.

    I would suggest you try controlling the robot arm through Arduino. We are now also in the process of preparing demo projects…[Read more]

  • @EQ_Tatsuguchi

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    I understand that you wish to refer to the Unity code of the calibration test. Since we are still optimizing the software for calibration, we plan to publish the full version in a few months from now. Once it is released, we will open a new thread as a notification.Sorry for the inconvenience.

    UnlimitedHand team

  • H2L replied to the topic in the forum H2L 8 years ago

    Closed due to replicated topic.

  • @yunhan0 Thank you for the inquiry.

    Within our latest Unity plugin ver43, there are the functions setVoltageLevelUp() and setVoltageLevelDown(). These functions can be called to configure the intensity of the stimulation.

    There are also the functions setSharpnessLevelUp() and setSharpnessLevelDown() which can be used to configure the pulse…[Read more]

  • H2L replied to the topic EMS and multiplexer specification in the forum Development 8 years ago


    The current version of UnlimitedHand is not capable of outputting via multiple channels due to safety limit of the multiplexer.

    If you are a researcher and would like to deliver stimulus via 2 channels at the same time, we do have another device “PossessedHand” which is capable of doing so.

    UnlimitedHand team

  • @mah

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    The S-Size pad is not being sold at the moment, though we do have plans to release during next year’s Tokyo Game Show. If the device is too long, you may consider wearing the device closer to the elbow, the thicker part of your arm. Doing so will not prevent the device from functioning…[Read more]

  • @mah

    Thank you for pointing out the mistake, we have updated the code accordingly.
    The latest version of the Arduino Library can be found here:

    much appreciated.

  • For your convenience in development, our team has released an application to show how UnlimitedHand is able to turn muscle motion values into useful data for game development.

    This new sample allows you to synchronize the movement of your actual fingers with those from an avatar on the screen. Virtual objects can be picked up as if using your own…[Read more]

  • For your convenience in development, our team has released an application to show how UnlimitedHand is able to turn muscle motion values into useful data for game development.

    This new sample allows you to synchronize the movement of your actual fingers with those from an avatar on the screen. Virtual objects can be picked up as if using your own…[Read more]

  • H2L replied to the topic EMS and multiplexer specification in the forum Development 8 years ago

    Thanks @kumadasu for your inquiry.

    I understand that you wish to deliver stimulus through multiple output channels.
    We are using 72V analog 8-to-1 multiplexers.

    Let us know how you plan on doing the modification and the type of information
    that you might need so we can better facilitate your project.

    UnlimitedHand team.

  • H2L replied to the topic EMS and multiplexer specification in the forum Development 8 years ago

    Thanks @kumadasu for your inquiry.

    I understand that you wish to deliver stimulus through multiple output channels.
    We are using 72V analog 8-to-1 multiplexers.

    Let us know how you plan on doing the modification and the type of information
    that you might need so we can facilitate your project with technical details.

    UnlimitedHand team.

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