New Unity Sample Uploaded: Calibration Test

Recent Topics Forums Development New Unity Sample Uploaded: Calibration Test


  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by H2L.
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  • #348

      For your convenience in development, our team has released an application to show how UnlimitedHand is able to turn muscle motion values into useful data for game development.

      This new sample allows you to synchronize the movement of your actual fingers with those from an avatar on the screen. Virtual objects can be picked up as if using your own hands.

      Check out the tutorial here:


      Download the application (MAC OSX) here:

      UnlimitedHand team

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by H2L.

        Hi UnlimitedHand team

        Thanks for publishing the new sample application for calibration test.
        Now I make the native application on Android and I want to implement calibration for photo reflectors.

        I want to refer the unity code of it, but the link for the unity project for it named “this page” in doesn’t connects, but it connects to own page.

        Would you publish the unity project for the sample application for calibration test?




          Thank you for your inquiry.
          I understand that you wish to refer to the Unity code of the calibration test. Since we are still optimizing the software for calibration, we plan to publish the full version in a few months from now. Once it is released, we will open a new thread as a notification.Sorry for the inconvenience.

          UnlimitedHand team

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