Reply To: Trouble with installing the UnlimitedHand Arduino library

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    >Arduino IDEを起動した後、ポートに「シリアルポート:”COM12″」などと番号で表示され、マニュアルのような表示が現れません。




         -> Uploading sample programs Arduino on to the device
          -> Troubleshooting: Sketch upload failure


    > また、デバイスマネージャよりUHのポートを特定して指定したとしても、書き込み中に以下のようなエラーが表示され、書き込み完了できません。
    > ==========
    > Arduino:1.6.8 (Windows 7), マイコンボード:”Arduino/Genuino Uno”
    > 「Kalman.h」に対して複数のライブラリが見つかりました
    > 使用済:C:\Users\(ユーザー名)\Documents\Arduino\libraries\UH
    > 未使用:C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\UH

    Arduino IDEがどちらのライブラリを使って良いのか混乱している状態だと推測されます.
    どちらかかのUHライブラリを削除し,Arduino IDEを再起動した後,


    jeffmanさんのHappy Hackingを願って!
    H2L Team


    Hello jeffman,
    Thank you for your post and inquiries!
    > After starting up the Arduino IDE and looking in the menu for a list of available ports,
    Options like “Serial Port: COM12” are displayed, this is different from what I see on the Manual.

    Sorry for not making it clear.
    Procedures for Windows Users may differ from screenshots included in the manual.
    Windows Users should see 「COM(number)」 on their list of available ports.
    Please select the Serial Port that you are intending to use.

    As a reminder, please pay attention to the following points when you upload programs to the Arduino.

    [When running on a USB connection]

    For each upload, you must first restart the UnlimitedHand by pressing on it’s power button.

    Please visit the following pages for more details:
         -> Uploading sample programs Arduino on to the device
          -> Troubleshooting: Sketch upload failure

    [When running on a Bluetooth connection]
    Make sure your Bluetooth connection is secure. If not, try repairing the device with your computer.

    > Even though I have specified in the Device Manager, the port to which the UH is connected, when I attempt to compile the code, I get the following error messages, resulting in a failure.
    > Arduino: 1.6.8 (Windows 7), Board: “Arduino/Genuino Uno”
    > Multiple libraries were found for “Kalman.h”
    > Used: C:\Users\(Username)\Documents\Arduino\libraries\UH
    > Not Used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\UH

    I suppose that the Arduino IDE is confused about which library it should be using.
    Please try deleting one of the UH libraries, and restarting the Arduino IDE.
    After that you may try uploading your program once again.

    See if that helps, if you are still encountering difficulties, let us know with a post.

    Happy Hacking jeffman!
    H2L Team

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by H2L.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by H2L.