My UH returns 255 from gyro sensor of X-axis with just putting on flat space.

Recent Topics Forums Installation & Troubleshooting My UH returns 255 from gyro sensor of X-axis with just putting on flat space.

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  • #391

      Hi H2L dev team.

      I have a question.
      In recently, I noticed that gyro sensor of X-axis returns 255 to my application and your demo application named “Simple Sample Project ?Graph?“ with just putting on flat space.
      I think it returns 0, because my UH is not rotated.

      I use following environment.
      * arduino plugin with my UH: v.0044
      * demo application’s version: “SuperSimpleSample003”

      If you have already know similar issue, please tell me about it.
      If you don’t know it, I want to ask you to repair it. Please tell me how to communicate to support team if you have a support team.


      • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by H2L.


        Thanks for the inquiry.
        We made changes to the way the angles are obtained in previous versions of the UH unity plugin. Arduino library v.0044 should work fine. Would you let me know which version of the UH unity plugin you are using?

        UnlimitedHand team


          Hi UnlimitedHand team
          Thanks for your reply.

          >Would you let me know which version of the UH unity plugin you are using?
          I use version 0033 of UH Unity plugin, and I try to check whether this issue occurs or not with version 0041β of UH Unity plugin.
          The result is that this issue occurs on version 0041β of UH Unity plugin.

          And as a precautionary statement, “gyro sensor of X-axis” is the value of “UHGyro [0]” in UH Unity plugin.



            I add information for this issue.
            I use new UHDemo_Graph at and check whether this issue occurs on it with following Unity and Arduino plugins.
            Use Unity plugins:
            U1) UH.cs: ver 0040(preset in UHDemo_GrapQuaternion40
            U2) UH.cs: ver 0041β(latest version)

            Use Arduino plugins:
            A1) “Serial_Unity_Quaternion” in
            A2) “Serial_Unity_Quaternion” in
            But this issue occurs on several environments(U1+A1, U1+A2, U2+A1 and U2+A2).

            Please check.
            Best regards,


              Hi H2L

              I try to check this issue by serial monitor on Arduino by advised in “”.
              The procedures are following.
              1) Compile “Serial_Unity_Quaternion” version UH4Arduino0041
              2) Open up the serial monitor
              3) input the character ‘a’ for display the raw values of the acceleration and Gyro sensors

              The result is following.

              When I check it, my device is put on desk with Photo-Reflectors facing to lightings in my office.
              So I don’t rotate and touch my device in checking, but Gyro[0] is 255(Gyro[2] is also not near zero).

              What do you think?
              Best regards,

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