How to use UH Variables in Processing

Recent Topics Forums Development How to use UH Variables in Processing

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      Hello, I’m developing a robotic arm with Unlimited Hand and Processing, and I can use correctly only these functions:


      Now I need to use Accel and Gyro variables to obtain the acceleration and gyro sensors values, and angles too.
      Using only the functions above, I can’t moving the arm up and down, or left and right.
      I tried to print the Variables described in this section but I can read only zero values, while on Arduino serial monitor I can read different values.
      How can I solve this without using Unity or Unreal Engine? I want to use Processing only.
      Can I use EMS too?


      • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by H2L.

        @davideperrotta thank you for the inquiry.

        The Processing library would require an update before being able to cater to your needs in the robotic arm project. We will begin working on it and notify you once it is ready.

        I would suggest you try controlling the robot arm through Arduino. We are now also in the process of preparing demo projects that utilize the I2C communication protocol that allows the UH to control other hardware.

        UnlimitedHand team


          Ok, in the meanwhile I’m using Arduino to obtain Accel and Gyro values and all others sensors value, and then I can read them with Processing using the serial port.
          I appreciate very much Unlimited Hand and your support.


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